The story features Grandma Hedgehog, who lives a distance from her little hedgehog. The distance doesn't prevent her from sharing her adventures with her grandson; she does it the old-fashioned way via letters. Each letter reminds him of how much she loves him and the fun they've shared when they have been together. Sometimes she includes little presents; one present is a package of wildflower seeds because she's writing the current letter from a field of wildflowers. The book concludes with the little hedgehog arriving at Camp Grandma.
The book resonates with me for several reasons:
1. I hosted my own Camp Grandma, actually, Camp MaMa Berry, for the boys a few months ago. I didn't invite the baby because I was a bit nervous about having all of them at one time and she was so young. She is almost two, so she is invited to experience the new adventures.
Oh, the adventures we enjoyed! We rode the Merry Point ferry, toured a fire station, fed chickens, and more. The boys had so much fun. I was exhausted at the end of the 5-day adventure, but I think I had more fun than the boys.
2. My children became so excited when they received mail as little ones. That memory has prompted me to start sending my little ones letters, beginning today. I cannot believe I haven't been doing this all along; and
3. I have been writing picture books for my grandchildren and giving the books to them for Christmas. The 2018 book is a compilation of more than 20 places I want us to visit within the next 10 years. I have visited some of the places, including the Enchanted Forest and the Hershey Chocolate Factor, and others I want to visit, including the Chincoteague Pony Swim and Diggerland USA.
The Christmas 2018 book, Adventures with MaMa Berry, is bigger than the others; I included extra pages for pictures and space for them to write their thoughts about each adventure. I tucked the 2017 book into special pillows I made for them. Each pillow had a pocket to hold the book. This year I will make a small trunk for each of them that will hold the book and the mementos they collect along the way. Time capsules of shared travel adventures! When I am a memory, I hope they will enjoy reminiscing about our adventures as they rummage through those trunks.
I am excited about the upcoming adventures with the kiddos!
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